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The New Albany Dance Marathon is out to Change Kids’ Health to Change the Future!

So proud of New Albany High School incoming senior for raising over $16,567 for Nationwide Childrens Hospital and the Children’s Miracle Network. Thank you so much to everybody that came out to support Abby and a great cause! A special thank you to Abby & The Worly Family for their ongoing love and support shown to NCH. Here’s to Changing Kids’ Health to Change the Future for kiddos at Nationwide Children’s Hospital! @mattryandj @whitsnewalbany @coffeecovenohio @buckeyecrepes @ballooniacs @llbrown1950 @lisaberliner @browniepointsinc @signloveyardcards @gdstelluti @jill_eisenberg @sokoleisenberginsurance @playabowlsnewalbany @doterra @ruthsbank @myrustybucket @dance_at_bbdc @worlyplumbingsupply @cmnhospitals @nchfoundation