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She’s Our Philanthroteen

Amidst the craziness of the times, Audrey Seymour, who is a senior at John Bapst High School and co-founder of the school’s Crusade for the Kids Dance Marathon, is working to complete her Distinguished Graduate Project. Some of you may recognize Audrey’s name. She’s been a champion for our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ program since she was a few months old. Audrey, who spent time in Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, “held” the exclamation point at our annual Telethon when she was eight months old. Fast forward sixteen years and Audrey proudly held the exclamation point at John Bapst’s Dance Marathon.

And, most recently, Audrey has been working closely with our team to do some research for her Distinguished Graduate Project which focuses on Generation Z’s attitudes toward giving. Our hope is that we’ll be able to use her research to help us make decisions on how best to reach philanthroteens, the generation born after 1997 and who have a propensity for rallying behind social causes near and dear to their hearts.

If you know anyone born between 1997 and 2011, please encourage them to take this anonymous survey and help to support Audrey’s research. And, please also join us in wishing Audrey an early congratulations on her graduation. We can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds for her at Oklahoma State University.