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Child Health Day 2022 Fundraising Incentives

Miracle Network Dance Marathon is thrilled to celebrate and encourage all those who fundraise on Child Health Day (and beyond!) with exclusive Dance Marathon incentives!

If you raise $150 USD between October 3 – October 7, you will qualify for a Miracle Network Dance Marathon bucket hat, button 3-pack, and keychain. When you raise $500 USD between October 3 – October 7, you earn all of the above AND a Change Kids’ Health to Change The Future sweatshirt!

Whether you’re a new participant or a member of the Comma Club, everyone needs to raise the same amount during the fundraising period to qualify for the exclusive merch! When (not if 😉) you accomplish this incredible fundraising feat, you will receive an email within 24 hours with additional information on how to receive your incentive items.

We can’t wait to celebrate you when you earn yours!