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Utilizing Experiential Marketing (Vol. 1)

Are you looking to enhance check-in or add visual representations of why students participate in your Dance Marathon? Here is an easy, inexpensive way that students can share their favorite part of your DM event.


Materials needed:

  • Flower vases
  • Bottle caps
  • Adhesive
  • Paper
  • Whiteboard/Dry erase board(s)
  • Markers


To start, label each one of your vases with reasons why your Dance Marathon is extraordinary (ex: fundraising challenges, dancing, champion families, stories, kids, etc.).


Next, show what each bottle cap represents. As attendees are welcomed to your event or during the check-in process, give them a bottle cap based on your classification. In this example, I used students’ class to represent different bottle cap colors.


Add an extra sign to clarify why this in-event piece is so special.


Finally, display your final product for your event!



ADVICE: Encourage your attendees to participate in this in-event piece shortly after receiving their bottle cap. If attendees get their bottle cap at check-in, make sure the table is nearby and clearly accessible.