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Northridge Miracle at Northridge High School receives 2024 Best High School Dance Marathon Award

Miracle Network Dance Marathon recognized top performing Dance Marathon programs at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ Ignite: Peer-to-Peer Leadership Conference held in Kansas City, MO from July 18-21.  

Northridge Miracle, a partner school of UA Miracle at the University of Alabama, is recognized as the 2024 Best High School Dance Marathon! Northridge Miracle earned this distinction through their dynamic and well thought out approach to publicity, recruitment, fundraising engagement, and event execution. With a focus on creating meaningful connections, fostering a sense of community, and demonstrating the direct impact of fundraising dollars to supporters – Northridge Miracle doubled their fundraising from the previous year to raise $61,329.17 in 2024. 

Northridge Miracle successfully recruited students to join their movement by leveraging social media platforms, posters, and school announcements to create a buzz around Dance Marathon. Then a month out from the marathon through personalized outreach, informational sessions and leveraging their own networks of friends, classmates, and clubs they registered over 100 students online through DonorDrive.  

To achieve such an impressive year-over-year fundraising increase they implemented a variety of fundraising strategies working hard to secure a variety of sponsorships from local businesses and various forms of community partnerships including food sales, and merchandise sales. Their emphasis on sharing the direct impact of support resonated deeply with students and donors, inspiring generosity, and driving peer-to-peer fundraising success. This was excellently demonstrated through an internal fundraising push on Child Health Day challenging student leaders to raise $38 representing the cost of one doctor play kit that each child receives at Children’s of Alabama during their stay.  

When it came time for event planning, Northridge Miracle ensured they were curating an event that was enjoyable and engaging for participants. From learning their line dance to the 3rd annual Miracle Bowl volleyball tournament, fundraising challenges, and heartfelt testimonials from Champion Families, they worked hard to bring a sense of community and connection into the event.  

Northridge’s partnership with UA Miracle exposed the students to interactive workshops, team-building exercises and mentorship opportunities that helped the program thrive in a supportive environment.  

Congratulations to Northridge Miracle at Northridge High School – the 2024 Best High School Dance Marathon honoree!  

Miracle Network Dance Marathon is a national movement, involving over 400 colleges, universities and K-12 schools across the United States that fundraise for their local member hospital of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Students involved in a campus’s dance marathon organization spend a year gaining leadership, teamwork, and nonprofit business experience while raising funds and awareness for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. The year culminates with a final dance marathon event on each campus, where students get to meet patient families treated at their local hospital, participate in games and dancing, enjoy entertainment, and reveal their annual fundraising total. Miracle Network Dance Marathon programs have collectively raised more than $350 million since 1991.