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Megan Freese from MU Health Care’s Children’s Hospital Recognized as 2024 Hospital Advisor of the Year

Miracle Network Dance Marathon recognized top performing Dance Marathon programs at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ Ignite: Peer-to-Peer Leadership Conference held in Kansas City, MO from July 18-21.  

Congratulations to Megan Freese, Advancement Officer, Children’s Miracle Network at MU Health Care’s Children’s Hospital for being recognized as the 2024 Hospital Advisor of the Year! Megan serves as the Hospital Advisor for Mizzouthon at the University of Missouri.  

Megan is a proud and dedicated supporter of her student leaders at the University of Missouri. As their hospital advisor, Megan makes it her goal to have a one-on-one relationship with each member of the leadership team, getting to know that individual and learning how she can best assist them in their role. She is their biggest champion in everything they do, while challenging them to reach their potential.  

In the past year, Megan played a critical role in keeping student leaders organized and calm as a key change in program leadership occurred just a few weeks before their Main Event. Megan constantly encouraged and reassured the students while navigating this change – inspiring them to keep working towards the goal and strategy they had previously identified.  

Megan is also a great partner for the students – working to secure guest speakers from the hospital to further drive cause connection education within the organization and throughout the community, while strengthening the bonds between Dance Marathon and their miracle families. Additionally, Megan continues to advocate for all the students are doing, gaining support and awareness from hospital leadership and community partners.  

Congratulations, Megan and thank you for your guidance of Mizzouthon!  

Miracle Network Dance Marathon is a national movement, involving over 400 colleges, universities and K-12 schools across the United States that fundraise for their local member hospital of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Students involved in a campus’s dance marathon organization spend a year gaining leadership, teamwork, and nonprofit business experience while raising funds and awareness for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. The year culminates with a final dance marathon event on each campus, where students get to meet patient families treated at their local hospital, participate in games and dancing, enjoy entertainment, and reveal their annual fundraising total. Miracle Network Dance Marathon programs have collectively raised more than $350 million since 1991.