Dance Marathon at FSU raises $1.3 million to change kids’ health
In its 28th year, Dance Marathon at Florida State University once again showed its commitment to “Change Kids’ Health, Change the Future.”
Dance Marathon is a year long student-led initiative which aims to raise funds and awareness for children in need of specialized pediatric medical care that is otherwise not available to them locally.
At Florida State University, the yearlong movement culminates into a 30-hour event where more than 1,000 students stay awake and on their feet to raise funds and awareness to move medicine forward for pediatric patients and their families.
At the beginning of the year, the DM at FSU Executive Board committed to the following:
“We as Dance Marathon at Florida State University 2023 put our full selves and hearts into this organization. Through our never ending dedication to our cause, we will provide hope for a brighter tomorrow. No matter what, we will push forward in the face of adversity for our miracle children and their families.“
DM at FSU raised $1,308,578.28 that will support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital and the Florida State University College of Medicine Pediatric Outreach Program. The three-day celebration featured grateful patient stories, live entertainment and students sounding a gong to honor fundraising benchmarks.

Photo courtesy of DM at FSU.
Thank you to our participants, students, advisors and donors who are dedicating their time and resources for the benefit of pediatric patients from Florida and beyond!