Dancing with the Dawgs at Louisiana Tech University raises $30,535 for Arkansas Children’s
On October 27, Louisiana Tech University Phi Mu hosted Dancing with the Dawgs, their first Dance Marathon benefiting Arkansas Children’s, the local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.. Dance Marathon is a nationwide movement where students come together on their respective campus to raise funds and awareness for their local CMN Hospital. Dance Marathon is a student led initiative, and a team of six students at Louisiana Tech have spent the past few months preparing for this year’s event.

Dancers (participants of Dance Marathon) stood for the entire six hour event to honor the kids being treated at Arkansas Children’s, the local CMN Hospital. Students heard patient testimonies, played games, were put in the fundraising jail, and participated in the morale dance-a line dance every participant learns throughout the duration of the event. They even had a yoga and zumba instructor come and teach a short class to keep dancers energized throughout the six hours.

There were over 460 dancers in attendance, all there to support the kids being treated at Arkansas Children’s. The energy in the room was high, especially in the final hour of the event when dancers made their final fundraising push. The jail was jam packed and students were reaching out to every person they could to get final donations from. The goal for this year was $15,000 and they raised over $30,500… That’s right. They ended up raising over DOUBLE their goal. What an accomplishment!

The event was hosted by Phi Mu Alpha Lambda as their fall philanthropy event. This chapter continues to be one of the top fundraising chapters for Arkansas Children’s and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. This is only the beginning of the incredible work they are doing as a chapter, and Arkansas Children’s is proud and excited to see this partnership grow! Thank you to the young women of Alpha Lambda and all the Louisiana Tech University students who participated in Dancing with the Dawgs–you are all champions for children!