Miracle Network Dance Marathon recognized top performing Dance Marathon programs at the Dance Marathon Leadership Conference held in Atlanta, GA July 21-24, 2022.
Westside High School – Warriorthon Best New Dance Marathon – High School was started during the summer of 2021 by two seniors that knew that it would be a success and have amazing community support. They selected an 18-person executive team and developed a solid foundation for years to come. Westside High School -Warriorthon DM held many informational meetings and used Instagram to raise awareness of dance marathon. Instagram was the most successful aspect of recruitment and helped spike engagement. The executive board was also crucial in sharing or reposting flyers so that we reached our entire school’s demographic. Warriorthon DM held multiple fundraising events throughout the year including Giving Tuesday, Valentine’s Day, at athletic events, dodgeball and basketball tournaments, an ice cream social and monthly fundraisers with Miracle Makers at their school and Miracle families from their Children’s hospital. Warriorthon DM incorporated their sponsors as well as invited local businesses and bands to do pop-ups or perform at the event. With over one hundred participants, they had an enormous success. The morning of the Dance Marathon they had raised $21,000. By the end of the evening, raising $26,697.35 was more than double initial goal of $10,000 and enabled them to help fund two –pre/post operating rooms in the surgery department of their local Children’s Hospital.

Miracle Network Dance Marathon is an international movement, involving over 400 colleges, universities and K-12 schools across the United States and Canada that fundraise for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. These students work tirelessly throughout the year to raise funds one dollar at a time by making the ask to family and friends. Their hard work culminates in a 6–40-hour celebration on their campus or virtually, where participants have the opportunity to rally together as a community for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Students involved in Dance Marathon gain valuable skills in fundraising, peer management, delegation, and philanthropy. Miracle Network Dance Marathon programs have collectively raised more than $300 million since 1991.