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New Year, Same Commitment

To our Miracle Network Dance Marathon student leaders,

Charles Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.” The fall semester is here, and we know it will be unlike any semester that we’ve seen before. Fortunately, that’s only the beginning. The story of this year won’t be about what happened to us. It will be about how we respond.

The stories of our miracle kids and families don’t end with a visit to the ER or a serious medical diagnosis. That’s where they begin. Their stories are those of resilience. Stories of fighting back. Stories of wading through uncharted waters – together. Let’s take a page out of their book and approach the year ahead with that same grit and determination. Let’s navigate new and different challenges together. Let’s draw on the strength and inspiration of our miracle families as we bring our teams closer than ever before. As we create plans and learn how to pivot to plan B (or C, D, and E) together, let’s commit to supporting one another – no matter what comes our way.

Whether you’re returning to campus full-time or taking an online course load, we want you to know that you’re not alone. The team at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is here to support you and your continued commitment as this generation fighting for the next.

It’s safe to say that we’re knee deep in uncertainty this fall. We can’t control what happens this semester, but we can control how we respond. So take risks. Think outside the box. Try something new. Fail fast. And get back up again. Because now more than ever, our miracle kids need us. Kids can’t wait for the curve to flatten, for an economic boost, or for a cure. They need children’s hospitals now more than ever. They need champions like you. Let’s rise to meet this moment. Let’s Change Kids’ Health, and Change The Future – together.

Be proud of your resilience – we certainly are. And always remember that we are with you.

The Miracle Network Dance Marathon Team